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5 Tremendous Stress Reduction Techniques to Follow

Stress Reduction Techniques

FindItMore | With a Spectrum Internet plans connection, you can access many informational resources online that detail some of the best ways to check the onslaught of rising psychological & bodily stress levels on a daily basis

Modern life, as anyone who closely experiences & rationalizes it on a day-to-day basis may attest, naturally comes accompanied with a number of stressful situations that inflict a heavy psychological toll on their victims’ mindsets. These harrowing instances abound as a consequence of life’s intrinsic design – which makes individuals unavoidably subject to a multitude of essential scarcities. Easily analyzable through a Spectrum Internet plans offer, these confinements range from the limitations of time, resources, and generalized human mortality (lifespan) to sociopolitical & geographical barriers that impede peoples onward flow (in practically every occupation – be it professional or personal – of their choosing).

Towards a More Holistic Appreciation of Stress

Environmental stress in the short term can be a useful aid, in that it serves as the stimulus for subsequent adrenaline & cortisol hormonal bodily secretions that collectively make way for better energy responses and physical exertion spectacles. Particularly in times of incumbent and/or actual danger, the body’s stress-reception mechanisms can cause an individual to fare significantly better than those of his/her peers equipped with a more withered empirical response faculty.

As a holistic stress-management expert, I have found that not all stress-resolution techniques (and particularly the wild & exotic varieties usually quoted in online tabloids) deserve the attention that they so loudly try to attain through their click-bait article inscriptions. Part of my self-espoused vocation, as such, involves debunking these ‘tips’ – which should more appropriately be referred to as the stratagems in line with what the snake oil salesmen of the Wild West once used to sell to their gullible customers, and which can actually prove to be hazardous for the health profiles of their unwitting practitioners.

My Top 5 Strategies for Begetting Instant Calmness

In this post, I’ve listed 5 of the Best Stress Alleviation Techniques which you can safely implement as part of your daily holistic therapy routine – and improve your stress hormone, heart rate/blood pressure, anxiety-induced disease-condition (asthma, arthritis, chronic fibromyalgia, and migraine attacks – among some of the other usual health suspects) and generalized emotional mood swing levels while you’re at it. These personal care guidelines are not only inexpensive to practice, but they also significantly cause a noticeable improvement in their executors’ overall quality-of-life dynamics.

So if you’re feeling stressed out at the moment, either because of your pressing personal or professional commitments, or due to anything else that makes you uncontrollably want to sing the blues (on occasion), then I’d suggest you pick one or all of these advisory pointers – and get busy!

  1. Deep Breathing & Meditation

Advocated by the mystical traditions of nearly every religious philosophy (and particularly those that fall in line with the prolonged Abrahamic scriptural narrative of middle-eastern faith customs), meditation is a great way to induce some instant calmness and put a restraining lid on volatile emotional states – which can be both euphoric and dangerously suicidal at times.

A commonly taught yet effective meditation technique entails closing your eyes loosely in an ideally solitary location, sitting cross-legged, respiring deeply with a 5-5-5 seconds (inhalation-pause-exhalation) routine, and reciting some customized self-empowering/actualizing mantra.

In several clinical studies, regular meditation sessions have been linked to corresponding changes in the brain’s intricate processing circuitry (the neural pathways which give rise to it) – which thereafter lead to the attainment of healthy stress response habits (making you more psychologically resilient to the outbreak of the next anxiety attack).

  1. Seek Like-Minded Company (You Are Never Alone)

A common stress-response sees victim-sufferers shutting themselves off from other people, on account of a falsely held certainty of their ‘withering appeal’ in the eyes of society and close friends. This spontaneously-innate method of dealing with anxiety, depression, and/or behavioral disturbances (all of which constitute the predominant manifestations of mental stress), however, is a health dead-end in every sense of the concept.

What constantly harboring these negative ideas actually does is that it traps hosts in a vicious cycle of dejection and misery, which ultimately causes them to sink into deeper suffering with the passage of time (and prolongation of illness).

One of the best and experimentally-sound remedies to this problem comes through the medium of common interaction with other people – and particularly those individuals in possession of a similar frame of psychological reference (mindset). As a result of such engagements, which can easily be realized through the various connective channels of the Internet, people report greater (aggregate) emotional satiety levels than when they are left in their isolated (socially disconnected) states.

The basic, and fundamentally human, exercise of talking is a therapy in & of itself – in that it facilitates people to vent their most troublesome (and oftentimes harrowing) emotions into their abstract surroundings through the medium of words. Writing and painting, as per a similar line of reasoning, endow their practitioners with the same cathartic experience – through the utilization of different creative outlets, however.

  1. Laugh Away the Pent-Up Frustration – Literally

Laughter is positively correlated with increases in mean blood –endorphin levels, which are one of the body’s natural ‘feel good’ (and pain-relieving) chemicals; in addition to the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine.

In order to indulge in a sustainable and credibly-appealing laughter session, stream your favorite comedy series on Netflix, watch funny home videos on YouTube or the affordable Spectrum TV subscription, or simply engage in a ping-pong match with your cute little nieces or nephews when they’re on their way from school.

As with many things in life, stress and anxiety oftentimes reside only in the tensed mindsets of their holders – and so they require a complete reversal of the normal thought-processes that lead to their subsequent entrenchment within a person’s life.

  1. Get Some Timely Music Therapy

Music, be it of the classical instrumental/symphonies variety, or the more physically involving EDM and ‘Techno’ beats category usually played in dancing night clubs on a regular basis, is another experimentally-verified stress reliever. For some people, a simple humming or singalong session can do the trick; while others may benefit more profoundly from voicing melodies as loudly as their lungs make the act possible.

Complementing background music with physical exercise routines (both randomly and systematically executed) releases stress with an even greater efficiency – with these fun regimens recommended for everyone who does not suffer from any physical disability.

  1. Practice Gratitude – and Keep Yourself Immersed in its Warm Embrace

Many psychologists and wellness experts recommend keeping a gratitude journal – which is a physical record of every experience that you find gratifying & uplifting on a daily basis (from the smallest of things that most people would ignore, to those that prove definitive to your personal happiness in the long run).

Being constantly grateful leads to the attainment of a positive & comfortable state-of-mind – which leaves little room for the accrual of any lasting negative thoughts.

As has been alluded to above, some people suffering from severe anxiety & depression are susceptible to the influence of extreme suicidal thoughts – which may sometimes lead to regrettable instances of self-afflicted harm if not suitably forestalled in their diseased progression.

If you believe that you may be suffering from such a condition, consider reaching out to a suicide prevention organization in your state through the Spectrum Landline phone service today.

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