7 Medical Treatments that are Generally Excluded from Health Insurance Coverage

FindItMore | A health insurance policy is one of the most important products in your insurance portfolio. It offers much-needed coverage in times of medical emergencies when the cost of healthcare can truly run quite high. Now, it is also important to carefully read your health insurance policy to note the details of coverage. This is because every insurance provider has a list of diseases and/or medical treatments that do not fall under the purview of the policy.  While this list may differ between companies, there are certain medical procedures that are generally excluded by all insurance providers. Let’s take a look at 7 such treatments that are generally excluded from Health Insurance Coverage.

  1. Cosmetic surgery

Procedures that are done to enhance one’s appearance are not essential to health and are therefore excluded from coverage. However, if the cosmetic surgery forms an important part of one’s treatment following an accident, it is covered under a standard health plan as a part of the treatment.

  1. Illnesses caused due to lifestyle habits

Your health insurance policy may also exclude treatment for any diseases that arise due to lifestyle conditions. For instance, a policy may not cover cirrhosis that results from extreme alcohol abuse. You need to discuss these details with your insurance provider and confide in them any health issues or lifestyle habits that they should be aware of.

  1. Dental procedures

Dental procedures are often regarded as cosmetic in nature and are therefore excluded from coverage under a standard health insurance policy. However, if the procedure requires you to be hospitalized, you may inquire into receiving coverage.

  1. Injuries due to self-harm

If the insured person hurts themselves intentionally, the resulting injuries are not covered under health insurance.

  1. Pregnancy care

Most health insurance plans do not offer any kind of coverage for expenses that may arise due to pregnancy, childbirth, or abortion. Furthermore, the policy may also exclude reimbursement for any infertility treatments taken by a couple trying to conceive.

  1. Eye care procedures

Many eye care procedures do not require hospitalization and may be excluded from coverage. However, you can still check with your insurance provider whether these treatments get reimbursed as daycare procedures. Some insurance providers possibly cover eye care as a separate rider on the base plan.

  1. Permanent exclusions

Permanent exclusions are usually mentioned in the fine print of your health insurance plan. These exclusions generally include injuries caused due to war and nuclear explosions, congenital diseases, and HIV. Be sure to read these in detail so as not to miss out on any.

While it is important to take health insurance, it is also essential that you choose a policy wisely. Discuss the details with an insurance agent or take some time to make comparisons with aggregator websites. Once you are completely satisfied with the details of your plan, go ahead and sign up for it. Finally, do make sure that every member of your family has health insurance coverage. We hope this article has proved helpful for you. Take care.


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