Cerebral Palsy

How Cerebral Palsy Affects Muscle Functioning – Know It’s Symptoms & Solutions

FindItMore | Cerebral palsy has a direct relation with the operation of the muscles. Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder that affects infants or early childhood resulting in imbalanced muscle coordination. Cerebral palsy affects the motor area of the brain’s outer layer, which indulges in muscle movement.

But in some cases, the cerebral cortex (motor area of the brain) hasn’t developed during fetal growth. While in others, it might be due to the medical negligence of not supervising the baby and mother throughout pregnancy. In either case, the damage is not repairable and can only be improved to a better extent.

Though many factors are affecting this, muscle-related symptoms can also vary in a wide range. The common muscle-related symptoms of cerebral palsy are abnormal shaky movements, lack of muscle coordination, weakening of the muscles of one side of the body, uncontrolled movements, and scoliosis.

What are the possible causes?

Well, the muscle-related symptoms of cerebral palsy can be due to many reasons. Any injury that affects the brain during pregnancy or birth can cause brain malformation. This is why pregnant women are always insisted on taking the utmost care throughout their pregnancy, especially when they have complications. Some of the causes of muscle-related symptoms of cerebral palsy include:

  • Accidental injury to the brain of the baby inside the womb
  • Maternal infections affecting fetal development
  • Prolonged labor and delivery
  • Delivery using forceps or vacuum extractors
  • Excessive pushing during labor and delivery
  • Emergency C-section
  • Umbilical cord abnormalities
  • Damaged placenta
  • Consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs during pregnancy

Features of Muscle-related symptoms of cerebral palsy

A baby born with cerebral palsy will have difficulties in muscular movements. A poor muscle tone can also be seen in children with cerebral palsy. Check out if your child has any of these muscle-related symptoms.

  • A child with CP will have an uneven muscle tone. This leads to floppy or stiff movements.
  • He/she will find it challenging to coordinate and balance. This condition is also known as ataxia.
  • Unlike other children, kids with CP will lie down in awkward postures.
  • Slow writhing movements are known as athetosis
  • One side of the body will be comparatively less inactive or favoring over the other.
  • Apart from these above mentioned significant symptoms, there are specific other changes which you can see in a child with CP. These include;
  • Generally, a child with Cerebral palsy will show a slow pace in achieving his milestones like crawling, speaking, or walking.
  • He/she will have problems controlling bladder and bowel movements.
  • There will be hearing and vision problems.
  • You can also see them drooling due to weakened facial muscles.

How to treat muscle-related symptoms of cerebral palsy?

Though muscle-related symptoms of cerebral palsy are not repairable, there are many treatments to improve the condition. Not all muscle impairment issues are symptoms of this. To confirm the result, the doctor will order brain scans and imaging tests like MRI, CT scan, and a cranial ultrasound, followed by a visual and hearing test.

An EEG and laboratory testing will be done to check the developmental delays in a child. Treatments for CP include physical care, long term care, occupational therapy, and specialized treatment plans like the installation of mobility devices. If the condition is worse, the child will have to undergo orthopedic surgery, speech therapy, and developmental therapy.


If your child has cerebral palsy due to a medical mistake, you can file a case against the doctor/ hospital liable. There are birth injury lawyers who deal with cases of birth injury. It’s quite hard for parents of CP diagnosed children to manage their healthy life. But with positive outlook and encouragement, you can bring that confidence in your child.


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