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Swimming Could Be The Answer For Your Exercise Needs


FindItMore | Exercising is good for your health. While it may carry some risk of dependence, it has loads of potential to boost your body’s functions and protect you from certain ailments.

Exercise is often difficult to follow through with as it may be strenuous. If you have a busy schedule and have trouble finding an exercise regime that is both fun and engaging, swimming could be the right one for you.

Swimming is enjoyable and effective as a form of exercise. It is done in the water, and offers a cool and fun way to exercise. You could schedule in a swim during any small amount of free tie you have, as it offers a solution for more than just your exercise needs.

Swimming is affordable, offers the right setting for exercise, and has potential health benefits too. Its effectiveness as a form of exercise is highlighted by the number of sports teams who are taking up underwater training.

Why swimming is the best exercise

Here are some benefits of swimming that will make you consider integrating it into your exercise regime.

Helps with weight loss

Swimming is tough. Different types of styles and routines engage different sets of muscles.

This helps to burn calories and fats in significant amounts. You are likely to burn more calories than you take in, which will help you lose weight overall.

While swimming helps you to lose weight, you should also consider shaping your diet and lifestyle practices to suit your weight loss goals.

Increases bone density

Swimming increases the flow of blood around the body. This helps to deliver nutrients all around your body, which helps your organs, muscle and system to become stronger. As a result, your bones will become thicker and stronger too.

You will be at a reduced risk of osteoporosis and other bone-related diseases. 

Improves your body’s mobility

Swimming improves your brain’s ability to coordinate your body. As a swimmer, you will become more mobile, and have better coordination of different organs.

Regular exercise will help you tone your muscles, as well as improve your brain’s ability to signal them.

Supports mental health

Swimming offers support to mental health by providing a fun environment. Swimming releases endorphins in the brain, which flood the body with a feel-good effect.

You will experience a reduction in the effects of stress, anxiety and depression as you relax and enjoy a splash.

It can also be a natural painkiller, which can help reduce dependency levels for those experiencing morphine withdrawal.

Helps to keep your skin clear

Swimming keeps you looking young.

This intensive exercise will help you to burn excess fat in your body. It will also reduce the likelihood of any future fat pile up. The reduced content of fat, as well as the increased blood flow all over the body will prevent the development of acne and other dermal conditions.

Your skin will look and feel revitalized, which will be sure to knock a couple of years off.

Tones muscles

Swimming makes use of different muscles in the body. You can customize your routine to focus on a specific set of muscles. This will help you to tone them and develop them better.

Here are some exercise suggestions to get you started. You will tone your midriff area with these six easy exercise routines

The buoy routine

A buoy is a piece of equipment that is small, and serves to help keep your body afloat. In this routine, you tie the buoy around your ankles, or place it firmly between your thighs and begin swimming freestyle.

During this routine, you will keep your feet together as you swim to hold the buoy in place, preventing it from falling. As you do this, only your arms will be tasked with propelling your body forward.

Isolating the upper part of your body will keep your core engaged by the routine. A few laps around the pool regularly, alongside your regular swim will help you tone your midriff.

The dolphin kick

This kick targets the use of your core muscles and helps you to have easier breathing. It can be done both face up and face down.

With your arms outstretched in front of you, either clasped together or holding a kicking board, propel yourself forward by swaying your body. Push your chest down while your hips push upwards, and then reverse in a wave motion.

You may need to practice this move first before you try it out. IF you are not an experienced swimmer, you could face the risk of drowning.

The clock

The clock is designed to improve your core region, as well as hip flexors and gluteus muscles. It may incorporate the use of a floating device, depending on your level of comfort and swimming experience.

In a pool, on which your feet cannot touch the ground, use a floating device to stay afloat. It can also be done by holding onto the pool edge. Hang your legs downwards and scissor kick back and forth while keeping your legs straight.

You should remember to only do a range of kicks that your body is comfortable with. Do not overexert yourself, especially while swimming alone.


The routine is designed to tone your core, arms and abs.

From a standing start, with water reaching your neck, try to pull your knees until they touch your chest. Lean back and stretch out your legs, making your body into a V shape.

Maintain this position, and regularly draw your legs back in before extending them again. Over time, you will be able to hold the position for longer and longer as tour core muscles strengthen.

The kick-board kick

The kick-board kick is easy and enjoyable.

While swimming, stretch out your arms and hold a kick-board in front of you. Pull away from your body and use your core and legs to propel you around the pool. Travel as many lengths of the pool as you can before you start to feel fatigued.

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