
10 Tips To Keep Yourself Safe While Off-Roading

  1. Let Someone Know About Your Trip

This is the most important thing you can do to ensure your safety while off-roading. Before going off-road, tell someone where you’re going and when you expect to back. This applies to all kind of trips, not just those in risky areas.

This ensures that, if any accident happens and you’re unable to return in time, at least your friends or family will know where to start searching for you.

  1. Make Sure Your Vehicle Is Ready For Off-Roading

Before heading out, inspect your vehicles inside and outside to ensure that all parts are in good working condition.

Check Your Vehicle: Walk around your vehicle and inspect carefully. Make sure brakes, headlights, taillights and off-road lights are working properly. Also, check the tire pressure.

Check Fluids: Check your radiator levels, Coolant levels windshield washer fluids, Wiper fluids and verify no leaks, spills or oil spots.

You can use a cheat code to easily remember what to check every time. The code is “P.E.T.R.O.L”.

  • P-Petrol: Check the fuel level
  • E-Electrical: Inspect battery terminals & electrical connections.
  • T-Tyres: Check the Tire Pressure.
  • R- Radiator: Check the Radiator level
  • O-Oil: Check oil level
  • L-Lights: Check all lights
  1. Pack All The Necessary Gear

You shouldn’t leave for an off-roading adventure without packing all necessary gear properly. You must pack all the necessary gear to get through any trouble you might face and to handle any medical emergencies that may occur.

The list of necessary gear can vary depending on the types of trips you’re going. Some off-roading trips may require just a few recovery tools and some safety items, while others may require a full set of camping gear and recovery tools. Whether you’re going for a long trip or short trip, never forget to take a first aid kit with you.

  1. If You Can’t Walk It, You Probably Shouldn’t Drive It

Before hitting the off-road with your vehicle, firstly make time to walk the road. It’s true that off-roading vehicles are built to withstand hard use and can easily navigate difficult roads. But there’re some difficult places that simply can’t be driven through.

Walking the path first is a great way to ensure that if your vehicle will be able to make the trip. If you become unable to walk through the path because of mud, sand or deep water, then you may not be able to drive the path with your vehicle too. Always keep in mind, if you can’t walk it, then you shouldn’t try to drive it.

  1. Have a CO-Pilot

Your co-pilot is your navigator, helper, spotter, snacks/ drink getter and all around general helper. When you’ll drive for a long period, you may get distracted. That’s why, having a co-pilot is a great way to be safe.

Your co-pilot will help you to stay focused. He will check the map and help you to drive in the right direction. He is the one who will get out in tough spots and find your line to have the best, safest route.

  1. Make Sure You’ve Taken All Recovery Gear

While driving off-road, you might find your vehicle stuck in mud, trunk or sand. In that situation, you’ll need some recovery tools to get yourself out.

A Winch is probably the first thing that you’ll need to recover yourself. If a good quality winch installed on your vehicle, it will give you the power to overcome any obstacles. If you can’t pick a good one then you can check Reviewer Tips, they have a nice review on winch. Before going off-roading, you must learn to use it properly. You’ll also need some other tools such as D-ring shackles, Snatch blocks and Tree saver strap.

  1. Never Drink and Drive

You should never drive your vehicle when you’re under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Avoid this to keep yourself safe from unwanted accidents.

  1. Take a Break

Driving on off-road requires deep concentration. Never drive your vehicle when you feel tired. A single mistake can turn into a big accident. So, when you feel tired, stop driving and take rest for some time.

  1. Use All the Tools With Proper Respect

While you’ll be using a winch and other recovery tools, use them with respect. Winches, Hi-Lift straps, clevises and other pieces are under extreme tension when in use. Inspect them carefully before every use. And store them properly after every use.

  1. Slow and Steady Wins The Race

Speed is actually very dangerous thing when it comes to off-roading. You should always drive slowly to maintain safety and only speed up when it is necessary. It’s a good rule to keep your vehicle speed below 10mph.

So, “Drive As Slow As Possible, As Fast As Necessary”. Because It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Each time you go off-road, follow these 10 tips to be safe while off-roading. We hope that you’ll have a safe, exciting and happy off-road experience.


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